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Sunday, May 1, 2016

The 6yo mic drop

I'm often up before everyone, getting a little work in before the family awakens. LJ is usually the next one up and he often joins me as I grade papers or get a jump on emails (for a theoretically less interrupted day). This morning, he came down to the office and sees me responding to emails as I catch up from a week of travel and limited e-communications.

LJ - Papa, why do you type all the time.

me - Well, my work sometimes requires a lot of typing.

LJ *matter of factly* - Hm...maybe it's a health problem.

...to which he gets up and walks off. I think that was the 6yo equivalent of a mic drop. I really wonder if children have any idea how profound their thoughts often are.

"And with that, I just have two more words to say...Obama out."

Friday, February 19, 2016

Late Start Friday

These two can fight like cats and dogs...but also fully love each other.

Both Cat and I have been under pressure of work deadlines of late. We've been working late, getting up early to work before the kids get up, working weekends. Just a lot of work. But we know it's not the norm and we're cognizant of not letting it become a habit. This world is already full of enough hustle and bustle.

So this morning - after laying in bed past our normal waking time and listening to another Colorado wind storm (with gusts of up to 100mph) - when the kiddos awoke and realized we were still in bed, they wanted snuggle time. Since these moments will be gone soon enough (does the speed of time increase as our children age?!),  we said "get in here!"and the kiddos bounced and trounced their way under our covers.

We all talked quietly for a time, listening to the wind howl through our windows cracked slightly open. Then tickled and wrestled. Then talked about how our day looked for each of us. And after a little whispered inspiration from Cat, we all decided that despite our busy schedules, it was time for a late start to our day.

You see, last year the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) had late start Wednesday's every week. And our family came to rely on those extra 45-50 minutes each Wednesday morning to read books, share a cup of tea together, make pancakes, create something, just take the morning a little slower. But after BVSD did away with them this year, we've been longing for them to be brought back (not everyone was happy).

BVSD still hasn't brought back the weekly "late start" day. But we decided today was going to be an O-G late start Friday - we needed a no rush morning...a day to say "our family comes before schedules". So we got up and dressed and took our time walking to Southside Walnut Cafe (on Foursquare) for breakfast, read the comics, colored, told stories, leisurely ate breakfast, then had a pleasant stroll with the kiddos to school.

This morning's comics Finn and I discussed...
We think (hope) that taking these sorts of times together sends a clear message to our children (and partner) that family comes first - not work, not school, not routine schedules. Family. Sure work and schedules and school are all important, but these routine mental health days or late start school/work days make a lasting impression (we hope).

A perfect O-G morning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cleaning up their neighborhood (and the creek)

The kiddos proud of their work cleaning up Bear Creek, CO. Instagram pic by Cat.

These kiddos inspire us! While on a walk yesterday with their Nonny (maternal grandmother) and auntie, Finn noticed an unusual amount of garbage along the creek near a busy road intersection (likely the stemming from the previous night's wind storm). So she hatched an idea, decided to recruit her brother, found a garbage bag, and cleaned up a section of the creek!

Today, on our morning walk to Creekside Elementary, these two were busy further hatching their idea...to organize a school-wide cleanup of the creek that runs by their school - Bear Creek!

It's little moments like this that help me realize the messages we send our children - whether by action or in conversation - can really stick in their minds.

If you want to know more about your local creek and watershed, head over to the EPA's excellent "Surf Your Watershed" website, poke around and consider Adopting Your Watershed!